Fulton Sheen war genauso gut als Prediger wie er es als Autor eingängiger geistiger Bücher war. Das Leben Jesu ist das beste Beispiel: einfach, fröhlich, klug.
Online gibt es das englische Original hier.
Satan may appear in many disguises like Christ, and at the end of the world will appear as a benefactor and philanthropist—but Satan never has and never will appear with scars.
– Fulton Sheen, The Life of Christ, Preface
Only Heaven’s Love can show the marks of love’s greatest gift in a night forever past.
Actually, there are only two philosophies of life: one is first the feast, then the headache;
the other is first the fast and then the feast. Deferred joys purchased by sacrifice are
always sweetest and most enduring. The ancients taught that any prosperity or success
enjoyed without suffering on the part of someone excited the displeasure of the gods.
Lucretius tells of an Egyptian king who relinquished all relations with his friend
Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos, because his prosperity had no flaws in it, “something of
bitterness which springs up in the midst of the fountain of sweetness.”
Christianity, unlike any other religion in the world, begins with catastrophe and defeat.
Sunshine religions and psychological inspirations collapse in calamity and wither in adversity. But the Life of the Founder of Christianity, having begun with the Cross, ends with the empty tomb and victory.